I am almost always available for quotes and interviews. Please use the email address beneath my photo to set up phone calls. The list of topics below are those I have researched at length or published on:

  • Email, spam, and malware topics (viruses, worms, phishing, pharming, etc.)
  • Windows performance and "good housekeeping" habits. (Degunking.)
  • Wi-Fi wireless networking and wireless security topics.
  • Software virtualization
  • The future of publishing technology
  • Assembly language programming.
  • The Papacy and problems within the Roman Catholic Catholic Church, from the perspective of an interested Catholic living outside the Roman Catholic community.

I don't publish my phone number online because I do travel quite a bit; however, even when on vacation I pick up email at least once a day, circumstances permitting. On work days you'll hear from me much sooner.

Article Assignments

I have written professionally for over thirty years on computer technology and electronics. When time allows, I enjoy short assignments in my areas of interest. Send me a note and let me know what you need.


I do review technology books and products, as well as books in my other areas of interest (history, culture, astronomy, religion) both in my Web diary (blog) and for other online and print publications. (Note that I cannot review books that compete directly with my own books. Also note that I am a partner in a technology book publisher, Paraglyph Press.) Please contact me before sending review products, as I do not return review products sent "blind" without prior discussion.